Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hypocrites Unmasked

Whatever the recent visit of Australian WikiLeaks Party representatives to Syria achieves, one thing's for sure - it's exposed the following hypocrites:

"As experts described the WikiLeaks Party visit as a 'propaganda coup' for the pariah regime, the Prime Minister labelled the Assad regime 'one of the worst in the world. It's been guilty of serial atrocities against its own people, and it (the WikiLeaks Party visit) was an extraordinary error of judgment,' Mr Abbott told The Australian yesterday." (Abbott blasts WikiLeaks Party, Jared Owen & Mark Coultan, The Australian, 2/1/14)

Every time Abbottoir votes in the UNGA for the pariah regime of Israel, whose serial atrocities against the Palestinian people stretch back to 1948, he furnishes it with a propaganda coup.

"Lowy Institute for International Policy executive director Michael Fullilove... said the mission was at odds with international criticism of the regime." (ibid)

Frank Lowy's support for apartheid Israel is wildly at odds with international criticism of same.

"Greens acting leader Richard Di Natale yesterday broke his party's silence on the topic by backing international sanctions against Syria and describing the delegation as 'naive and misguided'." (ibid)

Is this the same Richard Di Natale who said support for the Boycott, Divestment & SANCTIONS movement by the NSW Greens was a huge mistake? (See my 5/12/13 post Spot the Hypocrite.)

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